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Vancouver, British Columbia 

This city in the weast coast is the eigth largest in Canada, with a population of over 600,000 People in the city and more than two millon in what is known the great Vancouver area. In 1792 the British George Vancouver explored the area and finally the city took his name. But before that it was called Gastown, in “honor” of a strange caracter called Gassy Jack and aboriginal people lived here as far as 10,000 years ago. The city is located in the traditional territories of the Squamish, Burrard and Musqueam people. The Canadian Pacific Railway starts or ends at its harbor and it is said than more than 50% of the actual population has a primary language other than English. It is one of the most  ethnically and linguistically diverse cities in Canada; mostly from Asian immigrants. 


The bay and the upscale area at the back.



Beautiful mountains, you can sky in the winter and have fun at the beach in summer without moving from the area !!


The harbour early in the morning, big container and cruise ships are expected.


Downtown, very expensive apartments, in the millions some of them, the word is that many buildings are not full occupied as Chinese  investors like to buy several units at a time without renting or selling them, reason ????


Convention center and port authority headquarters. Big passenger ships dock all the time.


Convention center, hundreds of people every day visit the area. You can board a cruise ship, take an air tour or admire the view at any time .


Convention center and port authority to the left, downtown to the right .


The beach !!, mountains in the back and Stanley Park in the middle. 


The Pacific Ocean , container ships come and go all the time.


Exclusive downtown area.


The laughing statues !!!!, legacy from the 2009-2011 Vancouver Biennale exhibition, by the artist Yue Minjun a leading figure of Cinical Realism, a movement that emerged after the protests  in Tiananmen Square In 1989. Everybody knows the “gentile” treatment these people got from their government. JM

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